LISTEN! Do you want to know a secret???

Everybody knows that there's a lot of money to be made in real estate, and that more millionaires have been created through real estate investing than any other activity. But let me tell you the best kept secret in real estate...

Are you ready? Here it is.

While many investors, agents, and regular people are struggling to make 4 and 5 figures per deal, there are also thousands of investors all over the country making 6 and 7 figures on a single real estate deal. Even better: They are doing this with minimal overhead and a small staff or no staff at all. 

Some have been full time real estate investors for many years, while others are new to real estate investing, and some even do real estate on the side, while they have full time jobs or are stay at home parents. They come from all walks of life and backgrounds. Many have little formal education. 

Some are professionals who have decided to switch careers. Every background is represented. What all of these elite investors have in common is knowing how to pull hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit out of a single real estate deal. 

How do I know? I'm one of them. And I am friends with many of them.

  Hi. My name is Jason Buzi.


I have been a full-time professional real estate investor since 2005.

My first 6 years in real estate, I did OK. In fact, I made about $250K my very first year. No bad, right? I was certainly happy at the time, discovering how to make money without a boss for the first time in my life. But several years later, I had an epiphany: I needed to do more than just make a good income if I wanted to be truly financially free.

I needed to build wealth!


 <—- Check out this great video

I decided I had to make 7 figures a year.

And to do that, I had to make 6 figures on a single real estate deal. Once I did that, there was no looking back.Once I did that, there was no looking back. The following year I made 7 figures, over $1 million, net. This was life changing, and gave me the freedom and opportunities I had always wanted. 

  • To be able to fly around the world, first class.

  • Live where and how I wanted

  • Own multiple rental properties and assets

  • Spend my days however I want

But most importantly - by far:

Financial freedom, security, and peace of mind!


Here are some of the strategies and methods I want to share with you.

Some of these I did myself, and some my expert friends are doing and will share with you step by step:

  • How to make up to $2M on a single house, with new construction

  • How my buddy pulled out $500K cash tax free from an old apartment building *How condo conversion deals can make $500K to $1M+ in profit, often with minimal work

  • How a broke immigrant in his 20s built a multi-million dollar house flipping business in 2 years

  • The way to make a fortune in mortgage notes

  • How I recently made $250K from a deal I was told it was "crazy" to buy

  • Multiple ways to get seller leads for free

  • How to structure your deals for maximum profit

BONUS: You will receive access to exclusive, off market deals


Types of Deals Covered Include:


Development Opportunities

Savvy investors can make hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars on a single property by taking it and improving it.

I have personally partnered on a deal where we took an old house in a luxury area, built a new one and made nearly $2 million profit.

There are also investors who buy land and build new condos or townhouses, offices or shopping centers.

Taking a property and improving it by building something new is called real estate development.

We will cover how to find these programs, and how to structure them using other people's money.



Entitlement is the step before development. It can mean subdividing a property, rezoning it, or getting permits for a certain type of development. An example is a friend of mine who bought a lot that had previously housed a gas station and car wash. He got the city to approve 42 condos to be built on that lot. Once he had the approval from the city, he then sold the lot to a developer, along with the plans and permits, for over $1 million in profit. Another example is in our very first newsletter. Peter was able to get an old warehouse under contract and sell it to a developer for $1.4M profit! He will also explain how he made a quick $400K on a house by understanding zoning laws.



Multi family, or apartment buildings, are a great source of building wealth in real estate. There are many opportunities to flip these for large profits, as well as get monthly cash flow from them. Would you rather make $10K every month from a building, or $1 million profit one time from selling it? There's no right or wrong answer, but these are the kinds of decisions you'll be faced with when you learn how to do multi family deals effectively. One of our contributors, a friend of mine, was able to do both. He did a cash out refi, pulled $500K tax free from a multifamily property he bought in the South, and is still generating about $3000 every single month in positive cash flow. Another of our contributors makes millions of dollars syndicating multifamily properties. In other words, using other people's money. That's the beauty of this business. Even when you need money for deals, it doesn't have to be YOUR money. Step by step, our weekly newsletter will show you how this is done.


Luxury Homes

The higher the price of a property, the more one can make flipping it. The thing is, luxury homes broadly fall into two categories: Those that are in a hot market and sell quickly, and those that need special marketing efforts in order to sell. The second kind also need to be secured at a bigger discount from market value in order to sell quickly. One of our contributors has made millions of dollars doing exactly this (he's even made millions on one house!), and will be talking about how he has managed to do this with no money out of pocket, using the unique "option and auction" method.


Mortgage Notes

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a big institution to make money buying and selling mortgage notes. One of my friends, a contributor to the newsletter, still works a full time job. But she makes even more by buying mortgage notes and either getting the property or reselling the note at a profit. Mortgage notes can be bought directly from banks, hedge funds, or private investors. You can buy 1st or 2nd deeds of trust. You have to know what you're doing, but once you do, you'll see there are endless opportunities to profit by buying discounted mortgage notes. We have two contributors on this topic, one who built a big business doing this, and another who makes 6 figures a year (and a deal) doing this as a "side gig". They'll both explain step by step how they do it.


Commercial Real Estate

Needless to say, there's big money in commercial real estate. I have to admit, this is not my particular forte. But I have expert contributors, who have made millions flipping commercial real estate, including hotels, office buildings, and shopping centers. It's intimidating for many, but remember, it doesn't need to be your own money. We will be discussing all kinds of ways to raise money for real estate deals. In fact, when I was just getting started, over 10 years ago, I was offered a $20 million fund. (I turned it down, after doing some math, but that doesn't mean it won't work for you). Just remember that the most important thing is knowledge. Followed by action. We will give you the knowledge you need. The rest is up to you.


Bulk REOs

REOs means real estate owned by banks and financial institutions. This is often due to foreclosure, but can also happen due to different circumstances. Banks and financial institutions are generally not in the real estate business, so they try to get rid of these. I know several people who have made fortunes by getting packages of these REOs from banks or hedge funds at a discount, and then reselling them. In fact, one of our contributors will explain exactly how he gets these from hedge funds and is able to wholesale them for a 6 figure profit. (Wholesaling means he is selling the contract, without actually having to purchase or close on the properties himself). Would you like to know how he does it? It's all in the newsletter.


How I easily sold 2 websites for a $230K profit

This is digital real estate, but still a 6 figure profit, and since so many people have asked me about it, I decided to include it.

And so much more!

The focus is entirely on strategies that allow the individual investor, regardless of their level of experience, to make 6 and even 7 figures on a single real estate deal.

Here's My Promise To You


Read all the different strategies on how to make 6 and even 7 figures on a single real estate deal. Choose one or two and implement. If you don't add AT LEAST 6 figures to your bottom line (that's over 100 times that cost of subscribing for a year), cancel the subscription. I want it to be worth hundreds of times what you paid, and I believe it is. 

These are strategies you will not learn anywhere else. 

There are many real estate books, courses, and gurus out there. Some are better than others. But none of them are exclusively focused on showing how a single person operation can make 6 and 7 figures per deal consistently.  

In the very first issue, we will dive right into how my buddy Peter was able to make $1.4M on an old warehouse and $400K by paying "retail" for a house. 

It's going to blow your mind how easily someone can make obscene amounts of money once they have the right knowledge, and take action on it.  

The newsletter is only $79 a month. It comes to you every Friday filled with incredible interviews, strategies and insights to let you get your next 6 or even 7 figure deal.

Yes, Sign me up for the monthly newsletter!



"I have done some very creative 6 figure profit real estate deals, with the information I learned from Jason. There was so much good content. I am looking forward to implementing more" 

- Eric T., Tampa, FL

"Amazing content that showed me what's possible in real estate. I am excited to make millions of dollars with what I have learned here." 

- Olga L., Alameda, CA

"I have made millions in profits and equity since taking Jason's program. I actually just signed a deal with $1.7M in equity. The information and mindset shift for me has changed my business and taken me to the next level" 

- Chris C., Rochester, NY

"I used one of the marketing strategies I learned from Jason's program to land multiple deals with 6 figures profit each. Best of all, this is a totally FREE method, and it keeps generating leads" 

- Craig M., Seattle, WA  

"Very actionable information with step by step instructions on how to make it happen. We have learned so much. We are doing 6 figures profit per deal and picked up more strategies on how to continue doing this." 

- Judah and Lindsey M., San Diego, CA

"I just closed the biggest real estate deal of my life. Over $200,000 in pure profit! This would not have been possible without what I learned through Jason and the other instructors in the program." 

- Chad B., Akron, OH

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